
Monday, July 25, 2011

Wrap it up

I was bubbling with anticipation as I input each person’s name into a random picker for those of you who shared your favorite Peanut Butter method of indulgence.  I clicked the “get results” button; it was like Christmas!  My first Give-a-way!  And the lucky recipient is…dun dad a dun: Marie Fissouri!
Congratulations Marie!  I am very excited to send you some Naturally More Peanut Butter…because it is naturally awesome.  And so are you.
So now you can eat it by the “heaping tablespoon," your favorite way.
Today was a very busy day at work.  I didn’t seem to stop moving.  I rode my bike to work; my first time ever doing this.  And guess what?  I loved it!  I think I will do it more often.
I arrived to some very unhappy people (not awesome).  So I kindly worked to gently defuse their anger.  They were very nice people I could tell, but they were at the poor end of a sour appraisal on their home that they were selling.  This created a domino effect, and one contingent sale after another began to dissolve.
I could understand their frustration.  One thing I thought was a little strange is that they brought their Bible with them.  Maybe they thought they would read it if they had to wait.  Maybe it was something to bring them comfort.  Maybe they thought it would protect them from the ‘evil bankers’.  Or maybe they thought if all else failed they could thump me with it. I don’t know, but after I finally got them calmed down I asked if it would be ok if we said a quick prayer about it.  You could see the relief in his wife’s face when I asked this, but I could also see that he hesitated.  He wanted to stay upset.  But he said, “sure, ok."
So I said a very quick little prayer and they softened up a bit before they left my office.  I don't normally do this, but in Joplin it didn't feel that out of the ordinary.
That was the beginning half of my day.  Then it was a whirlwind of files, investors, realtors, title companies, customers, rate locks, lock expirations, disclosures, highlighting, filing, phone answering, call logging…it seemed never ending.  This day went by so fast I feel dizzy!
So yesterday I alluded to the fact that I found a healthy dinner that I could eat every day and every meal…I ate it again tonight, and I loved it all over again.  It is so quick, so easy, so delicious, and so healthy…what more could you ask for?  Oh yes, and it is cheap!  Now what more could you ask for?
You can use a flour tortilla, I made mine with Lavash Bread.  I buy this flat-bread made with flaxseed at Walmart over by the deli.  Each flat-bread wrap is only 100 calories which compared to your typical tortilla is a real bargain!  It is loaded with healthy ingredients and is perfect for cramming with delicious fillings.
I am calling this big beauty Ronda’s Veggilicious Veggie Wrap.  The recipe below is for a single serving…and it is very filling so you will only need one if cooking for just yourself.
1 ½ cups Asian stir fry
1 tablespoon taco seasoning
¼ cup water
1 Lavash flatbread or Tortilla
2 tablespoons light sour cream

Lavash Bread = good with everything.

Stir Fry, yes please!

See, I put clothes-pins on everything!

In a frying pan on medium-high heat place your frozen stir fry, taco seasoning, and water and heat until hot through.  Drain any excess water and spoon veggies onto flat bread.  Top with sour cream and roll up.  And that’s a wrap folks!  See I told you it was ridiculously easy!

Mmmm, I am going to eat that! 
I don’t think the pictures do it justice.  It was perfect…just perfect.  My taste buds are still talking about it.  They are gabby little guys.  And those are veggie chips...they should come with a warning label.  They are highly addictive.
Have a wonderful evening!  Enjoy your peanut butter Marie!!!


1 comment:

  1. Yum! Your wrap looks great! I love that lavash bread.
