
Friday, August 5, 2011

Something stinks in here!

The more I get in God’s word the more “Amen!”’s erupt from my mouth, the more grateful I become of his mercy and nature, and the more I find myself singing songs of praise in my heart.  I find myself in a very peaceful place.  As I am on this journey God is showing me the pride that coursed through my veins, he is transfusing me with new life.  ‘His agenda and not my own’ are no longer words said in vain, but with real meaning and desire.  I am finding that in obedience to God’s word, there is humility.  And that is exactly what he desires of us.  In our humble state, he can be glorified.  When we are humble, he can be lifted up.

This morning as I stood getting ready for work a few thoughts popped into my mind. I smiled and said to the Lord, let me find a pen and paper so that I can write them down and share them later if you want me to.  I opened up the bathroom drawer and there was a pen {not too completely surprising if you saw my bathroom drawer…it is a catch all} but I was very happy.  Then I looked around me, I had nothing to write on.  A slip of paper on the dryer caught my eye.  Perfect!  I wrote down three things.

Once upon a time about 15 years ago I remember a woman in our church in Machias, Washington, who was a seasoned smoker, quit smoking.  She only had a few days of no smoking under her belt, but she exclaimed to my mother (who greats everyone in the foyer) that she had just been around a smoker and they smelled awful!  She asked my mom, “Did I stink like that too?!?”  I don’t remember what my mom answered, but it was probably very polite and encouraging, because that is just the way she is.  Sadly this woman, not more then a few days after that, picked up her old habit again and went back on the chain.

God is working hard in my heart.  He is working tirelessly on me.  I don’t want to squander his good work.  It is very irritating when the little boys get dirty right after I give them a bath.  It is most days inevitable.  I want to, as a child of God, try and keep myself clean.  I want to make my heavenly father proud.  Oh Lord, let me know when I am getting stinky...I want to be sensitive to your Spirit.

I am finishing up reading in 1st Corinthians and a verse froze my eyeballs.  I read it again.  And again.  And I got out my highlighter and I underlined it and I highlighted it.  Corinthians is Paul writing to the church at Corinth.  They were zealous for signs of the Spirit and the supernatural occurrence.  A lot like us today we go in the ditch, instead of living life in balance.  Paul says to them in Chapter 14 verse 12: So with  yourselves, since you are eager for manifestations of the Spirit, strive to excel in building up the church.   He was correcting them for puffing up themselves and putting on a ‘holy roller’ showcase.  Paul tells them (14:33) God is not a God of confusion but of peace.

Here is the frosty that froze my eye balls and caught my attention 1st Corinthians 15:1-2:

Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you- unless you believed in vain. {Spirit Checker!}

Ronda’s paraphrase…I (Paul) preached the gospel to you, you received it (in all appearance), you stand in it (so you say), and by it you are being saved (that would be the natural progression), if you hold fast to the word preached (what needs to be done)…unless you believed in vain (unless you are a big faker).

I think I am understanding it right.

This is not a game for show.  God sees your heart, you aren’t fooling God.  You may be fooling a lot of other people.  And you may even be fooling yourself.

Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. Galatians 6:7

And he said to them (Jesus), “You are those who justify yourselves before men, gut God knows your hearts.  For what is exalted among men is an abomination in the sight of God.” Luke 16:15

Ok, Gods word can bring a BIG paddle.  But I would rather be paddled by the word of God then puffed up with pride from the things of this world.  The king of this world {satan} wants you to be either numb to God and overly concerned with self, against God, or fast asleep.  Since satan himself was afflicted by pride and it was his downfall…it worked for him…it works for us.

God is God, we are man, his creation.  God loves the humble.  God loves the cheerful.  God loves those that love him, and love others.  I am but a vapor, a mist…so short is my time here on this earth, yet the manner in which I live my life, in truth or lie, will determine eternity.  And there is nothing hidden that won’t be brought to light. There is no time like the present to open up your heart to God and saying, ‘Renovate me.  Recreate me. Transfuse me. Use me. Whatever it takes, may you be glorified.’

Jesus, your name is precious.  I pray that you will let me never forget the stench of my prideful ways.  I pray that you will give me spirit checks if I am doing something I shouldn’t, saying something I shouldn’t, hearing something I shouldn’t, seeing something I shouldn’t.  I pray that you will give me foresight to RUN from evil.  I pray that you will expose evil to me for what it is so that I can flee from it..  If it is a song, if it is a TV show, if it is Facebook, if it is something that is taking me away from you, if it is an idol, make it detestable to me.  Thank you for convicting me daily.  Thank you for drawing me near.  I pray for anyone whose eyes read these words that it will minister to their hearts.  I pray that this weekend you will help me to be a good example of humility and love.  You are so gracious and I am so grateful. Amen.

I want to thank those of you who answered the question the other day about if you pray before you eat.  I want to especially thank Marie.  She wrote:

I thank Him for the food while I’m preparing it.
I thank Him for the lettuce as I chop it,
The animal that gave it’s life to sustain me,
The people I’m preparing it for,
The fuel to cook it,
The well water to wash it,
The pots and utensils to cook and serve it, spices, etc…
When I sit down to eat something that’s been prepared for me
I thank Him for that person and each item as I eat it.  It’s usually not out loud, unless requested,  but blossoms into praying without ceasing…
We have SO much to be thankful for!

Amen Marie, Amen!

Today was busy, but it was blessed.  I made a new friend and she blessed my day.  I love my job.

Here is the recipe for the tartlets and the quiche I posted yesterday.  Then it is off to the grocery store for me.  I love going grocery shopping…but tonight I am taking the little boys, which is usually a crazy deal.  So pray for me ok?  I really appreciate it!

Heat oven to 425 F.

Lightly grease 2 mini muffin tins (24 total tarts or quiche)

I used Hodgeson Mill whole Grain Insta-Bake Baking Mix.  I put 2 cup of mix in a bowl and mixed with about ½ cup almond milk.  You can use regular milk if you want.  1 tablespoon butter cut pea size mixed into dough. If your dough is too sticky add mix until the dough is only slightly sticky.  If your dough is too dry, add more milk; easy peasy!

Pinch off about a tablespoons worth of dough and use a floured rolling pin on a floured surface to roll out. Place each rolled dough into your muffin tins. Do this until all your tins are full.

If you are baking the tartlets you will want to bake shells for approximately 8-10 minutes.  They should be lightly browned and crunchy.  Cool on a baking rack and fill with preserves.  I used peach.  YUM!!!

If you are baking quiche you will need:

2 eggs
¼ cup heavy whipping cream
¼ cup milk
1 teaspoon steak seasoning
¼ cup cheese

Whisk all ingredients together and use a tablespoon to spoon mixture into UNCOOKED tartlet shells.  Bake at 425 for 10-12 minutes.  Edges should be brown, egg should puff up but not jiggle.

Serve warm.



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